30 Minutes with Spyglass Lending

Brian Murdock | Spyglass Lending

Brian Murdock

October 13, 202225 min read


Unknown Speaker 0:02
Good morning, everyone. Thursday, September 15, welcome to 30 minutes with Spyglass lending. Brian Murdock, founder and CEO of all world communication, excuse me, all world communications is here today. He has joined us. We appreciate him being here. Brian, welcome to the show. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me, man. And again, thank you for coming on.

Unknown Speaker 0:25
I like to dive right into it. It's important to hear your story. It's important we understand who you are. So if you don't mind, if you don't mind talking about yourself a little bit. Tell us where you're from originally. Where are you landed at now and tell us a little bit about your life. Yeah. So again, you already introduced me Brian Murdoch. I'm born and raised in South Bend Indiana.

Unknown Speaker 0:48
Home of the fighting Irish, even though I am not a Notre Dame fan.

Unknown Speaker 0:54
Grow up and go to school. A couple blocks away from Notre Dame so very very good friends were Notre Dame people and obviously a fan of course

Unknown Speaker 1:07
you're talking about Indiana who's you're married you know, Notre Dame Irie into the Notre Dame Irish family. But I'm certainly not a fan myself. So we'll get along very well. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:22
So yeah, man, I I'm from South Bend. Went to school there went to Ball State for a a couple years. I tell people I played playing football.

Unknown Speaker 1:38
And I'm from a very strict and rigorous Christian family.

Unknown Speaker 1:45
I had never endeavored into anything like drinking,

Unknown Speaker 1:51
ever dated a girl. Anything had never been to a dance. So my first semester in college was pretty interesting to say the least my first year. Did you just completely go the other way? Were you one of those? It was like oh, the fruit the taste of free over the edge. 100% Yeah. It was all it was all in like what is this beautiful, bright new world? Of course

Unknown Speaker 2:17
that my father did a great thing of taking me out of school for a couple of years to assess my life. My father owned Murdoch and Sons construction growing up people in South Bend know that is

Unknown Speaker 2:36
it a lot of work at Notre Dame to do a lot of street work and government work. So after those two years of me, working with my hands and knowing that that is not a choice that I wanted to be my career. If I may ask what what were you doing from exactly I mean, were you I wasn't your labor? Yeah. Oh, so what we were building so my my father at the time built churches.

Unknown Speaker 3:02
He did a lot of roadwork, he did a lot of work at high end tech I encode I don't believe them anymore. But so a lot of engineers

Unknown Speaker 3:15
just do a regular general contractor make it happen. Yep. Very good.

Unknown Speaker 3:21
So transferred out. I said, I would never do construction, and we'll talk about that later on.

Unknown Speaker 3:26
Transferred to Purdue. I wanted my sister who was just to go to school.

Unknown Speaker 3:32
I said, we were gonna get along. And now you had to bring up Purdue and you know, come on.

Unknown Speaker 3:37
Are you gonna tell her Hoosier you ended up in Purdue?

Unknown Speaker 3:41
Yeah, I mean, you we all make choices. I just happen to make

Unknown Speaker 3:46
your right by the way, I take it all back. But it was a phenomenal school. I mean, obviously well known with an engineering program, like like no other. But a great school all around. Certainly. Yes. And we have family a family member who went to IU and has done extremely well. She's now a doctor. So I can say nothing negative about IU. Two great institutions will agree on that. Agree agree. So is that Purdue was enjoying it. They're learning a lot. What my focus really was what my passion I should say, was even when I was at Ball State was music. I wanted to sing. So when I transferred to Purdue actually met a couple people. Like, oh, you really should do this singing.

Unknown Speaker 4:32
So I decided I was gonna go for it. So I was at Purdue for a couple years. I almost done school and just left. I left I'm going to be a saner. What type of thing. I was a solo singer. Oh, wow. Okay. Yes, yes. You got that deep voice man. I bet that that resonated for a while. Yeah, it was it was great. It was great. But the biggest thing was

Unknown Speaker 5:00
With me as a young man

Unknown Speaker 5:02
was understanding the completion of tasks. And so starting starting a task and completing a task that was that was never,

Unknown Speaker 5:13
it wasn't a focus. I thought, okay, cool. I'm gonna do this and then someone's gonna scrap me and I'm going to be a star. No, I can say, that's not the way it is, you still have to put in the work no matter what it is, you've got to put in the work. So I did that in Chicago moved to fast forward. I'm now in LA,

Unknown Speaker 5:32
LA, and I'm singing. I'm working with some really cool people singing It's a really cool shows.

Unknown Speaker 5:42
But things aren't happening for me because I am under the impression that me being a good singer is all I need to do.

Unknown Speaker 5:51
So I gave myself a couple years, my buddies are in real estate here in LA.

Unknown Speaker 5:58
Families are doing really well in real estate.

Unknown Speaker 6:02
And we'd go out and they buy Oh, Brian's got no money. So we'll take care of Brian's got no money, we'll take care of

Unknown Speaker 6:09
this. Well, Brian's got no money, things aren't working for me. Right? So I was like, Okay, I blamed it on the music.

Unknown Speaker 6:16
This is why I'm broke. So I was like, let me go get a job. And that's the beginning really, of

Unknown Speaker 6:24
my career in Los Angeles. I started working for an Avaya business partner out of Ventura. So I would drive to Ventura a couple of days a week, and then work from home and then go see clients. Wait, if I may, I want to kind of paint a picture here for a second because anybody who doesn't live in Los Angeles understands this right? Does LA County, there's Ventura County, so we're in LA County, where are you? Living?

Unknown Speaker 6:50
Okay, so you're in Brentwood, and you're driving to Ventura County. So you're popping on to the 405. And

Unknown Speaker 6:57
we get on on a one on one and getting up there. And what I mean that, you know, wrong time a day, you know, that could be well over an hour each way, right? Yes,

Unknown Speaker 7:07
sir, it was. But hey, these are the things that we do as salespeople as Americans, you, you take the opportunity, you run with it, that was just one side. And once I got up and running, they put us in office in an office in Orange County. So I tried an hour the other way, the other way, right.

Unknown Speaker 7:27

Unknown Speaker 7:29

Unknown Speaker 7:31
But I started to really, really love it.

Unknown Speaker 7:35
Meeting different clients from

Unknown Speaker 7:38
very different kinds of businesses, business structures, and solving problems. That's something I have a spirit of wanting to help.

Unknown Speaker 7:50
And so I saw that using technology to help people. So it was pretty cool. What year was this? By the way, if I may ask, were you this was 2004 2004. You Yes. Yeah. So I mean,

Unknown Speaker 8:05
such a great timeframe to think about right in terms of how you're talking about leveraging technology know that here we are almost 20 years later, but it was we're we're 10 years into the internet at that point, right 93 Come on for the most part and those first few years are just barren wasteland. So you know, we're pre

Unknown Speaker 8:25
the cell phone taking off certainly pre social media popping off but you're you're thinking about it and you already know that there's there's a future there leveraging technology to help people. It's common. So the cell phone the cell phones were out in oh four, but what wasn't out was the smartphone. Right? So we all we all had the razor we all had the cool Pocket PC, we all have those phones. Sure. I remember back in the day. I tell people now because it's very different, obviously. Older book going out when people actually went out to go out as opposed to going out to take pictures to post.

Unknown Speaker 9:09
So that's the biggest difference. The biggest difference, but I'm like BlackBerry Palm Pilot. I mean, that was that was the huge thing at that time. Right? Kind of 2002 2001 2005 those that

Unknown Speaker 9:20
transition to the T Mobile sidekick Sure. Oh, yeah. Yeah, so was there and the biggest thing is seeing what you brought up the internet. Seeing the changes of dial up to T ones in the business and the businesses to a T one which is 1.5 download speeds. And then going to find the T one two people WHAT IS THAT SO going on to T one dot you can add for 1.5 T wants together. And so people thinking that having six makes down they

Unknown Speaker 10:00
We're like really killing it. Where we are right now. We are now. And we were streaming right now we're streaming across three platforms here, got LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook all at once. Yeah, yeah, you definitely can't do that in six minutes.

Unknown Speaker 10:15
Different time, but different time. So I work for that company GE solutions.

Unknown Speaker 10:24
As I told you, I'm from a very

Unknown Speaker 10:27
kind of conservative, strict family. And one thing that my family has always

Unknown Speaker 10:33
priced upon us was respect of our elders. So with that company that I was with,

Unknown Speaker 10:40
I did a meeting with Musicians Institute, I will never forget it, I'll give them a shout out. I did a meeting with them with my at that time, vice president of the company that I was working for.

Unknown Speaker 10:53
And this is a life lesson. If you have brokers, dealers, and salespeople, this guy was pushing so hard, the solution that was the wrong solution on the client.

Unknown Speaker 11:08
And I knew that it was the wrong solution.

Unknown Speaker 11:11
But I'm supposed to be respectful. So I'm quiet. But I'm seeing the nonverbal cues of my client, who's loved me for the past year and a half that I've nurtured this relationship, but I'm ready. I'm like, Oh, wow, love to have 12 buildings.

Unknown Speaker 11:26

Unknown Speaker 11:27
radio silence. So I transition for one year into entertainment, and work with one of my buddies there. Helping him set up events here in LA, it was amazing.

Unknown Speaker 11:43
Man, the most fun that you could ever imagine. Yeah. Got to hang out with so many celebrities, musicians, athletes, I was like, This is how they get these kids to work for $15,000. Right? That was like, I'm not a kid, I cannot do this.

Unknown Speaker 12:02
Like, that is really fun, guys, I'm gonna go back to technology, because I know that that makes me.

Unknown Speaker 12:07
So did that went to a different company, based out of Florida.

Unknown Speaker 12:13
And I was just an independent contractor guy, kind of making things happen.

Unknown Speaker 12:19
out in the field.

Unknown Speaker 12:21
Their model was to just call people call people call people were my model has always been really solution selling, getting out seeing what the problem is.

Unknown Speaker 12:34
Understanding from a first principle, what's going on with that client.

Unknown Speaker 12:41
And so from there, it kind of took off my business as to 99. Within really took off I did really well. Then as clients, we all we did was phone systems at the time. And so clients would be like, hey, well, I want someone to do these security cameras. I want someone to do this network cabling. I want someone to do these other things. Like go to my company. Hey, can we do this? They're like, No, I need you to focus on phones right now. Yep. But it's done. Like there. I am the guy. They're like, No, Brian, we can focus on the phones. Okay, cool. Well, I'm gonna figure this out.

Unknown Speaker 13:19
Phones, and I'm gonna figure this out. Even the client, everything they need, I'm gonna exactly I'm gonna give the client exactly what they're asking me said solution selling. So there we go, Man solution selling baby. I found out to find other contractors that were in the business, who could actually provide the services that the client was requesting.

Unknown Speaker 13:42
So I did that.

Unknown Speaker 13:44
And did that very successfully for a while.

Unknown Speaker 13:50
My buddy worked for at the time Arden. And then Arden sold their portfolio to Brookfield properties. So he's working for Brookfield property. So I've been working with them for years and years now.

Unknown Speaker 14:03
So at some point, he called me up and Ryan was like, Hey, I've got a big deal in San Francisco, I think they're gonna want to use you. Let me go call my company. This was like, literally my last swing with the company I was with in Florida. It's like, Hey, this is gonna be a big deal. They want us to do the cabling for this entire floor.

Unknown Speaker 14:22
And they're like, Brian, we've told you this.

Unknown Speaker 14:27
How many times can we have this conversation?

Unknown Speaker 14:30
And I was like, no problem. I'm gonna go figure it out again. So I called one of my buddies because, you know, producing amazing school. And so we have so many resources of just exceptional people. I call her buddies. Like, I was a little dig at me, but yeah, we'll take it. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 14:46
great producers.

Unknown Speaker 14:48
And I was like, Hey, do you know anyone that can actually run the cable at this job, by the way, he's like, absolutely. I got you. He's like, you get that deal done, and I'm gonna send you a lot

Unknown Speaker 15:00
are some money.

Unknown Speaker 15:01
And I was like, it's gonna be done tomorrow. I did the deal. He said the money. And I was like, okay, he said that really fast, I think I really need to assess if I should just be a 1099 for this company, or if I should start my own company. There you go. So 2000 Real make or break moment in your life, right?

Unknown Speaker 15:25
So 2012 all world communications was born

Unknown Speaker 15:29
out of the fact that I believe that I can solve problems. Yeah, that's a great name. By the way, I just want to say that I'm throwing that out there just to pay a little, little lip service UBI. You know, as a great in all world communications is a great name. Thank you very much. And our, our goal for the company is to bring people together and connect the world. That is it.

Unknown Speaker 15:54
It's not a not a lot, but it is a lot. But I believe that it is possible. It's a great pillar to have. And essentially, you started doing everything right. I mean, I did, I did.

Unknown Speaker 16:08
So we do security, access control, which people who are using key fobs, proxy readers, things like that. We install that we work with companies like latch,

Unknown Speaker 16:21
who went public last year, we worked with very large companies, Brookfield uncommon developers, which is an up and coming large developer here in Los Angeles.

Unknown Speaker 16:34
Just doing a doing the work, like I say, any technology needs that our client has.

Unknown Speaker 16:40
We feel like we can figure out what that problem is and really present a solution to that problem for the client.

Unknown Speaker 16:50
What's the largest company you work with?

Unknown Speaker 16:53
The largest company we work with is Brookfield, Brookfield. How many employees are they at now?

Unknown Speaker 16:59
are like a $500 500 billion. Yeah, so it's hard to say exactly.

Unknown Speaker 17:06
How many employees specifically, but there you go. We'll talk Gross, gross revenue.

Unknown Speaker 17:13
Numbers, certainly so so

Unknown Speaker 17:15
we're blessed to be able to work with them to work with Levi's, like I said, uncommon

Unknown Speaker 17:22
toy company that everyone knows it's a privately owned toy company. But I don't know if I'm allowed to say their name. Just we'll just keep it at that. And those listening can use their imagination. Yeah, there you go.

Unknown Speaker 17:36
So yeah, then that's it. The the next steps or the next evolution of all world communications is, is our process of creating change in America by solving our socio economic problems by going out and going into communities of underserved and teaching them skills of technology, teaching them how to manage a network, how to pull network cable, how to terminate cable, how to install, and all the things that people talk about STEM.

Unknown Speaker 18:12
And it's just because of seeing over the years,

Unknown Speaker 18:17
most people see the news, I think it's ITT, all the kids that had

Unknown Speaker 18:23
their loans, relieved because the company made promises of jobs and things like that.

Unknown Speaker 18:31
I am a huge America fan.

Unknown Speaker 18:35
I'm a huge capitalism fan.

Unknown Speaker 18:38
But I believe that capitalism has to be for the good. And if we are being honest with ourselves,

Unknown Speaker 18:47
a diverse America is the best America. And to have a diverse America, we have to share opportunities and opportunities, means not money, but sharing access to information.

Unknown Speaker 19:02
And it makes America amazing.

Unknown Speaker 19:05
I couldn't agree more. I mean, you know, there's a term I like to use that I've never really heard before. But it's this notion of healthy capitalism, you know, because capitalism has been just dragged through the mud more and more and more, right. I mean, you talk and we're going to talk about this for a second, because you mentioned

Unknown Speaker 19:24
what the next evolution of of oral communications is, and certainly a lofty goal and reaching out to the communities and obviously, that's about reaching the youth, but the youth I mean, the percentage of those who will tell you that they would happily run towards socialism or happily even run towards communism, if they could, is astounding, you know, if the numbers would be to be believed, it's it's scary out there, certainly. Because you're also talking to a very big capitalist and a number of reasons. And I'm with you and a lover of this country as well. But what do we think the issue is you

Unknown Speaker 20:00
And how are you going to solve it?

Unknown Speaker 20:04
I think the largest underlying issue is, like I said, the access to information.

Unknown Speaker 20:11
A lot of people

Unknown Speaker 20:14
just go, we'll just go to a simple thing.

Unknown Speaker 20:19
If I had never met Aaron Pfeffer, or never met anyone that look like Aaron Pfeffer, and someone who I grew up said, hey, everyone that looks like Aaron Pfeffer has an A and a p in their name. They're terrible people. This is a person that I trust in. Anytime that I come in contact with that person, I'm going to just assume that that is true. And a lot of people, they just have these, these these notions of what I call nonsense. And so you start from that level, if you have a notion of nonsense, programmed into your mind that this person is bad that if this person has made this amount of money, then they are bad. Yeah. If this person is just foolishness, and we just have to, at some point, again, be honest with ourselves and say, We all see the world

Unknown Speaker 21:20
with different lenses. Let's start there. We see the world with different lenses. And that's okay. So we're all going to have different opinions about things. But this nonsense, this foolishness

Unknown Speaker 21:34
stems from this disinformation you're talking about, I mean, specific, like targeted disinformation, misinformation campaigns, especially through social media. And that's hard. That's now hard to counteract when the nonsense seeps through to the youth, you know, because they're targeted purposefully. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 21:55
But it's people like you. And I, before to say people like me, getting out speaking your mind and being honest and open and having what I call civil discourse, like, it's okay, we don't the two of us, we don't have to agree. But we can still be friends. It's better if we don't agree. Right? If we're just sitting on the same side of the of the aisle, you know, preaching to each other ourselves. I mean, what good is that? Right? How are we supposed to have the discourse if we just agreed on everything? That's, that wouldn't help. That's exactly right. How are things actually done? If every time someone says, Yep, I agree, I agree. And we are in a place right now, where if there is a disagreement, and that makes you a bad person, and that's a big problem. That's a huge problem. So how's all world communications? What what are you doing specifically to help counter this? And what is your focus? Now, the focus with all world communications is, as I spoke to you earlier, off camera

Unknown Speaker 23:02
working with soon, hopefully, at the beginning of next month,

Unknown Speaker 23:08
with the city of LA with workforce development, and getting kids and training them, training them on the things that we were talking about, training them on low voltage, training them on networking, getting them out into the workforce, and showing them a path to career creation, not a path to a dead end job. And working at a McDonald's, Burger King, those are cool, as a good start for people.

Unknown Speaker 23:35
But it's not a path, in my opinion,

Unknown Speaker 23:38
in my opinion, to career creation, whereas I've had, in the short time that I've owned my company, I've had guys start from $20 an hour, grow to six figures. Yeah. And so those things, I've had people work from the beginning of my company to get to a point where they can buy a home.

Unknown Speaker 24:00
And that's the end of the day. That's where wealth is created in America. You either not just buy a home, but maintain it, right rewards net, just because it's you know, and we were talking about that a little bit too. It's like this, this achievement of, oh, I got money, or oh, I've achieved some sort of status. I have this car now I have this home now, whatever it may be. I mean, that's just really the starting block. Right? I mean, then the gardening begins to I mean,

Unknown Speaker 24:28
actually gardening, perhaps in the backyard, but more Metaphorically speaking, I mean, just looking and saying how do I do this year after year, decade after decade and turn it into something real? Right. A life?

Unknown Speaker 24:40
That's correct. That's correct.

Unknown Speaker 24:45
That is one piece of it.

Unknown Speaker 24:47
I believe that some of the children that have the youth that we're talking about, have not had to experience or have not had the ability to really learn how to

Unknown Speaker 25:00
to handle their emotions, how to, to modulate their emotions and become resilient. And so I sit on the board, have a cup of a nonprofit equip our kids that's really just focused on social emotional learning, and hopefully getting that into the schools. Because the more that children's, if I may interject for a second, I want to, I want to ask a question you say, hopefully get that into the schools do we feel or you feel like that's not in the schools now at all.

Unknown Speaker 25:29
It's not very, very, very low penetration schools.

Unknown Speaker 25:35
I spoke with my stepmother about it. And she's with a large charter school. And she said, it's a very important thing in which we need to be pushing to get out. Because what it is, is you teach kids resilience, but you're also teaching them it's okay to be emotional, it's okay to be empathetic to others, and their opinions and their thoughts. And again, it gets back to our point of, they may see things differently than you. But that doesn't make them wrong. It just makes them different.

Unknown Speaker 26:09
Empathy has obviously become such a big buzzword these last few years, and rightfully so. But I take it even a step further, take it a step further and say about more specifically, compassion, which is a little a little different than than empathy. I mean, yes, you know, empathize with those. But if you have the compassion for others, what their plight may be what they're going through, that's a huge difference. And that seems to all all too often to get lost in the mix.

Unknown Speaker 26:37
I agree.

Unknown Speaker 26:39
Compassion is great. It isn't, it isn't necessity, as being, you would think, to being a human being. Because being human being, that you're being human, and I'm caring about your end, because we are believed that we were built to be to work together to grow communities.

Unknown Speaker 27:04
That's how all of that's how all of this came to be. We're not stronger than lions, bears and tigers. But if we work together, we have the ability to do things. And I think

Unknown Speaker 27:16
once the

Unknown Speaker 27:18
whatever is going on in America once we kind of stop and pause for a second. And really just think about all of our differences. Because those are those are out there all the time. This is different. He she they are black or white, or he's rich, he's one percenter, he's 99. If we just stop and pause for a second, we'll understand that everything that makes us different, is really what makes us the same, because we're all on the same journey. Love that. And if I may circle back for a moment, you know, you talked about workforce development in Los Angeles, what is that specifically, by the way that you're working so closely within, it seems it seems important to you is it's very important. So what workforce development is, is going into the communities that underserved communities where there are youth of certain ages, I believe, right now we're looking at 18 to 24,

Unknown Speaker 28:18
that are looking at are actively looking for careers. Everyone's like, oh, man, there are no skilled workers, there are none of this, but

Unknown Speaker 28:27
you just have to be able to look because a lot of times these kids that are in these areas that are in these depressed areas, they think that their only option is to work at a fast food or work at a factory, or work at on one of these places where you're not going to have the ability to ascend.

Unknown Speaker 28:50
And so and again, there is nothing wrong with people who work in those places. So I don't want it to sound like I'm denigrating anyone, but for those who are growth minded and they want the ability

Unknown Speaker 29:05
to level up, they want the ability to grow, both financially and mentally. That's That's what our hope is, as we've worked with,

Unknown Speaker 29:17
you say it is.

Unknown Speaker 29:19
Yeah. I mean, it sounds so important to you. And and it's it's important, everybody, and it's great that you're doing that and great that the company is doing that.

Unknown Speaker 29:30
I hate to say it, but we we've run into 30 minutes already. I have like 95 more questions, this conversation in a million different directions, but unfortunately, it's a 30 minute show.

Unknown Speaker 29:42
Brian Murdock, founder and CEO of all world communications, you are out there doing it. It sounds like you've created this incredible business already and you've had this awesome decade. Long Run obviously and now your

Unknown Speaker 29:55
Dare I say paying it forward. That's way to put it. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 30:00
So I'm looking forward to the next 10 years and seeing what we can do and and how many lives we can change that'd be great I'm looking forward to seeing that as well well I appreciate you joining us today thank you very much for this this is great thank you well

Unknown Speaker 30:14
thank you Brian

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