30 Minutes with Spyglass Lending

Mindy and Audrey Ellison | Spyglass Lending

Mindy and Audrey Ellison

November 15, 202232 min read


Unknown Speaker 0:01
Hi, everyone, Thursday, November 10. It is 30 minutes with Spyglass lending. Again, it's a special one for me not because we have two incredible guests, which we do in the first time, we've had two guests on the show, not just one person, but it is the 25th and last episode of the season, so thank you all for joining us today. I saw Mindy get excited there, I can see that she was on the last episode. Yes, last episode of the season. And I really wanted to make both of you the last guests. I really did. Because I think what you've done is incredible. And we're going to talk about that in a couple of minutes. But before we do, I have to introduce you. And we need to learn a little bit about both of you. So let's start with this. Mindy Ellison, Audrey Ellison, mom and daughter living in Walnut Creek who have started a movement and yet I'm going to call it a movement. Walnut Creek garage door. Welcome to 30 minutes aside, Leslie.

Unknown Speaker 0:50
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 0:51
Thank you for having us.

Unknown Speaker 0:52
Absolutely. Mindy, we're gonna start with you. We were talking a little bit before this started. You've been in Walnut Creek pretty much your whole life. Is that right?

Unknown Speaker 1:00
I have. I grew up in Walnut Creek. My husband and I moved around a little bit and we came back to this area in the mid 90s.

Unknown Speaker 1:12
And have been there ever since. Okay, ever since. And let's tell everybody listening because we got some listeners from all over the country. Hell, I hope all over the world. Where is Walnut Creek sit? You know, it gives a little location.

Unknown Speaker 1:23
We're about 40 miles outside of San Francisco. We're a small little town.

Unknown Speaker 1:33
Yeah, I'd say this for anybody who knows California knows like of even Southern California where I'm from. We know of Walnut Creek. You know, it's this. It's a great, pleasant, beautiful little community. Certainly you're about 40 Like you said 40 miles east of San Francisco. Little bit east of Oakland as well. And it's just a beautiful pocket right there for sure. And Audrey, let's

Unknown Speaker 1:52
let's jump right in restaurants.

Unknown Speaker 1:55
All of it right. Checklist, checklist checklist. And Audrey, obviously, you've been there your whole life as well. So tell us a little about yourself.

Unknown Speaker 2:03
Yeah, yeah, I have I the only time I ever have left Walnut Creek is when I went to college in Oregon, which was a very different experience than living in Walnut Creek or living in California naturally. So I've lived here my whole life. Besides for about two years. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:20
Where was that college?

Unknown Speaker 2:22
I went to school in Portland, Oregon. Nice.

Unknown Speaker 2:25
One of the better cities in Oregon. Eugene is pretty good. And you know, what is anybody listening up in Oregon, all your cities are great. But where California is here, first and foremost. So we'll have a little Golden State pride. And Mindy wanted to tell us a bit about what you

Unknown Speaker 2:41
do. I sell high end plumbing. Or I'm in a showroom. I'm now working in Walnut Creek. I have worked in San Francisco for about six years. I'm now in Walnut Creek and I actually walked to work this morning.

Unknown Speaker 2:53
How awesome is that? Is it your company or you work for someone else? No, I work for Jacqueline and kitchen and bath. All right, a little plug for Jack Lemmon kitchen and bathroom. And Adria. What are you doing now?

Unknown Speaker 3:04
I am currently working for my county elections office. We just had the midterm. So that was a pretty big event for us. But I am basically on the first floor and I'm one of the customer service people like I'm handling callers dealing with voters and kind of doing some organizing behind the scenes to make sure everything goes smoothly.

Unknown Speaker 3:21
I mean, two days after the election, Are you exhausted How you feeling?

Unknown Speaker 3:26
I'm feeling good. I did work 17 hours on election day, which was a lot. And then I had to be back at 8am. But once Election Day hits, a lot of people think it gets more stressful, but it gets less because the heavy lifting is done. And now we just have to deal with mostly organizing and trying to get the boat certified.

Unknown Speaker 3:44
Yeah, that's a big thing. I mean, let's let's stick on that for a moment, if you will. When we talked about certification, how long until it's going to be certified? How many more weeks do you have here?

Unknown Speaker 3:53
For California? We're certifying on the eighth. But we have to be done about two days beforehand.

Unknown Speaker 3:58
December 8, we're talking about right? Yes. You know, okay, so a little less than a month away at this point. And what needs to be done? What does it take now to certify these votes?

Unknown Speaker 4:06
And now we are dealing with organizing, making sure the ballots are valid. A huge thing in California is signature verification, which is what I deal with most of the time where before a ballot can even go anywhere. I have to certify the signature, like there's a whole team of us who are certifying signatures all day every day. And then we have to deal with ballots that may be challenged, no signature, etc. Like they just can't go to scanning or extracting. Yeah, and then once that's good, they go they get extracted and scanned and then the vote is counted.

Unknown Speaker 4:37
Amazing. And forgive me you had mentioned at what level you're doing this does a city or county level? County. Okay, so for the entire county and what county is this?

Unknown Speaker 4:45
Contra Costa we have it's about a population of 1.3 million but we have about 700,000 voters.

Unknown Speaker 4:53
That's a sizable I mean think about that number. No doubt there's a lot of work to be done, obviously, Mindy, did you think this is where Audrey would ended up end up?

Unknown Speaker 5:05
This has been a fascinating couple of weeks for her. She has a poli sci major. So it's kind of tying everything together for her.

Unknown Speaker 5:11
Yeah, an exciting time to do it in this country. Right? Because I mean, obviously, there's a lot of talk. I mean, not this isn't a political show, and we're not going left to right here. But, you know, just so so much has been put on, on elections and ballots, and, you know, concern or not concern from a lot of people about how it's handled, right, whether it's done in person or the end of shoes, or, or mail and stuff. So, Audrey, we appreciate that you're out there doing it, you know, and there's, it's, it's, it's a labor of love, there's no doubt about it. And, you know, I think for a lot of people, you know, in your position, and I can't speak for you, obviously. But you know, it's interesting, like I think about myself, like if I was working in the county or city level, I mean, you know, just the notion that you might be taking some flack for, and hopefully not, and hope you know, that people are understanding, like, you're out there doing the best you can and doing the right job for a lot of people because, you know, we this is, this is a democracy. And it's very important. So thank you for that. So you're already doing something good on one level. And now here, here, both of you are doing something incredible on another level, because it's important, we really get into this now and what you've done, garage door, Walnut Creek, or let's give the plug right now at garage door WC on Instagram, and social that you want to in a little bit. But you really have started a movement. And why don't I let you take it, Mindy? Because I think it was it started with you. Why don't you tell us a little bit about what what was on your mind and why you did it.

Unknown Speaker 6:37
So all four of us in this house were home. At the start of the pandemic. My husband's a teacher, Audrey was a student. My son Beau was a student and myself all home, four of us in this house. And we were very, nobody knew what was going on. Everybody knows what it was like the beginning of a pandemic. Nobody knew. And so we thought we would do something nice. And we put it up on a color printer, some you know, eight and a half by 11 motivational quotes. And we took a walk downtown to Walnut Creek and we taped them up all over. And then the next day it rained.

Unknown Speaker 7:17
When you're by the way, when you say you take them up all over, we talk we like I'm like envisioning like Renegade. You're not just putting on utility poles where it's actually okay, but you're putting on stop signs or putting on mailbox, or what are you doing? Are you doing it within law,

Unknown Speaker 7:28
we were we were we were putting it because everything was empty. So we really kind of had a little bit of freedom of where we put, we probably put between 50 and 100 of them out. Yeah, take them all over one home, and then arrange. And so they're all ruined, or most of them. And as we're driving up to the house, I looked at the garage door, and I thought to myself, Oh, there's a pallet. And so we went and got some tempera paints, and we tested it out to make sure it wouldn't hurt the door. And we started and we were only going to do it once. And then we enjoyed it so much my husband, you know, powerwash it down and we did it again. And then it became kind of a way for friends and family could come over with a lawn chair, sit on our front lawn, all social distancing, perhaps have a glass of wine, and paint with us and chat or paint themselves. So became very social people would walk by and say nice things. I don't think we expected to do it every week. I don't think we expected to do it this long. It just kind of is where we are.

Unknown Speaker 8:34
Now. But this is exciting. And I again, want to take you back to that that first time that first day. So first of all, amazing Kismet that arraign because he forced you to do something a little bit different, right? Because obviously it was gonna work to keep putting that up there, or I'm sure putting up 50 to 100 players, you know, realizing oh, the print the time and running around and doing all of that. But you had your own door, you had something to do and you put up this, but again, going back to the idea of why a motivational message. I mean, as you said, the four of you in the house, and I think all of us can relate to what that really felt like in the early parts of the pandemic, of just knowing like, you know, this, this, you know, it's isolating, and it's and it's hard. And

Unknown Speaker 9:12
I think it was self soothing for us. I don't know that we had this big philanthropic thought process going into the first couple of weeks, right? Because it was just, it was time for us to be outdoors. It was time to do something creative and get all that angst out and kind of settle ourselves a little bit. You know, people would walk by and they'd say nice things. And so we'd get to interact from a distance with people where we really weren't doing much of that at all. I wonder

Unknown Speaker 9:39
what you think when you first saw when my mom pitched this to you? Well, what was going through your mind?

Unknown Speaker 9:44
Um, I think at that point, because, you know, a lot of people were like, Oh, I'm going to take up a hobby. I'm going to start doing crafts or whatever. She was kind of like doing that herself while I was kind of doing schoolwork so I thought it was just like, oh, this will just be like another like project for now and then we'll move Yvonne, but she did it. The first one. I'm not sure if I painted with her, I don't remember. But then when I saw it, I'm like, okay, like, let's do it again. And let's do this. And I'll help. And she's like, okay, and then that was the week after that. And then once it starts, once we started doing it every week, I'm like, Okay, this is doing something.

Unknown Speaker 10:20
Yeah. And every week is a lot. But again, I want to stick to that first one, because you put up a really interesting message, Mindy. Tell us a little bit about that very first garage door.

Unknown Speaker 10:30
We said, Thank you essential workers. Yeah. And we did it in big, you know, that garage door is huge. It's a huge palette. And then everybody that drove by was able to see it or walked by not very many people driving by at that point. But everybody was talking about essential workers and essential workers. Were working so hard at that point. Sure. And so we wanted to show our appreciation,

Unknown Speaker 10:52
no doubt. And I remember back at the time, I mean, obviously, you know, all of us were rallying and realizing they were the ones there on the front, doing what they were doing. I mean, unquestionably, you know, from from everyone in the grocery store, to, to teachers, you know, who were making that happen on Zoom and putting it together and, and doing what they could and, hey, you saw a lot of commercials about it, and all of that, and but you know, seeing it, because again, you know, I did go on your Instagram, and I scrolled all the way down to the very first one, because I was curious myself, what it was that struck me. I mean, like, I kind of felt like the heart flutter of seeing that brought me back to this I really did. Because it was like, Yeah, that's right. I mean, and you know, it said that not forgotten now, but it's not the same thought of what they do every day. Where we are now in this part of the pandemic, or let's say we're no longer in a pandemic, hopefully. But, but it is interesting. You started with that. And then tell us about two and three. Like, I mean, what what what did you think like, oh, no, now I have to think of something else? Or what's it like the next week putting up number two?

Unknown Speaker 11:54
So number was Mr. Rogers, we did a Mr. Rogers quote,

Unknown Speaker 11:59
yes. Talked about the helpers. Right? I don't think that we ever I, it took us a long time, to get to the point where we struggled for an idea, things were flying into our brains and into our consciousness at such a level that we could, we could probably have painted every day. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 12:18
a different door. So you were almost had to show some restraint not to be there and just be like, oh, let's power wash this out and put something else. I mean, to really keep it going and make sense to have done it, you know, once a week.

Unknown Speaker 12:31
Well, and we were doing it when I was working in the city, my day off was Wednesday. So Wednesday was our painting day. And so we'd have friends come over, we'd have family come over, we'd sit, you know, with a glass of wine and social distance and paint. And then we had we had guest painters, too, we've had a number of guest painters.

Unknown Speaker 12:48
Yeah, we're gonna talk about that in a minute. But I mean, this notion, you started building the sense of community, how many people would you say would come over at a time and look at the garage door, or hang out on the lawn with you and drink the wine?

Unknown Speaker 13:00
Easily, every week that we painted, I would say 20 to 30 people would walk by?

Unknown Speaker 13:06
Yeah. sizable. I mean, again, in a small community just to do that, or to come by and be part of it. Audrey, what were your friends thinking of this when you were, you know, different age.

Unknown Speaker 13:16
So before we even had it, like our own social media account, just because we weren't, we didn't necessarily have an initiative behind this. Like, we were just posting it on our social media for our friends and family. And like, I had people my age, like, DME be like, Oh, where is this? And I'd be like, my house like, This is my house. This is not like some like, kind of like street art. Like, it's my house.

Unknown Speaker 13:38
That makes it that's really cool. Because again, it's interesting. You think about the Instagram culture, like people seek out street art, they want to go take pictures, they want to find angel wings on a brick wall and make it look like it feels like it's their own or something cool like that. But this was you this was your place, right? And people recognizing what it was, when that happened? Did it start to kind of sink in for you like, oh, wait, maybe this is something or this is as cool as we think it is?

Unknown Speaker 14:01
Yeah, definitely. Because I think a lot of people at that point were trying to connect in some way. And it was mostly digitally. Like everyone was using social media, a lot of people got into Tik Tok and such stuff like that. And I think they're just looking for something, or a way to connect with people like a way to start a conversation. And I started a lot of conversations over that, because a lot of people were like, Oh, what are you doing? Like, can I come over and paint like, what's your How do you come up with these ideas? So it kind of got the ball, the ball rolling in a very casual way. And little did I know that there were people in our neighborhood who were seeing it who had the same questions, but we haven't seen them yet.

Unknown Speaker 14:35
Oh, it's amazing. Now Mindy, okay. So take us in like, let's say, months, three, four, or five. Like you said, you didn't necessarily struggle at first with any ideas. But did people start giving you ideas around the community, or was it steal from you,

Unknown Speaker 14:49
everybody? Everybody's got an idea. And that's incredible,

Unknown Speaker 14:51
because because just the thought that like, everyone's got an idea and that's community coming together, right? I mean, that's what's so striking about what you've created here and this movement because it's like you're now they're thinking about it. They want to come participate. Right and first, potentially giving you ideas. I mean, when did you start letting letting others paint as well?

Unknown Speaker 15:10
We had, I'm looking at my Instagram right now. My girlfriend Tiffany and my girlfriend Kathy came over week nine, and painted a congratulations to the Class of 2020. We had Nan from down the street who did a Winnie the Pooh. Week Six. So our first guest painter was weak six

Unknown Speaker 15:29
was weak six. Okay. All right. So pretty early on in the movement and all of that, right. Did you feel like wait, this I'm territorial. I'm taking this back. This is ours. Or it wasn't feeling good to say, Oh, awesome. We we can elite alleviate the little the burden on us a little bit? Or this is amazing, because we're bringing the community together. This is

Unknown Speaker 15:45
amazing. Yeah. This is amazing.

Unknown Speaker 15:49
Yeah, I wonder did you have your friends come over and start painting as well?

Unknown Speaker 15:52
Yeah, I've definitely had a few friends. That summer, the summer of 2020. So when I started having like friends over or they started becoming interested in doing it or just wanting to like, watch us or just like hanging out while I was doing while we were doing it. So yeah, we definitely got a lot of inquiries about it. Or a lot of people were like, Oh, I'm not artistic. Like, I don't want to but I would love to you are like no copy with us. Like, we'll show you how.

Unknown Speaker 16:17
Yeah, that's great. I mean, what I see like, that's what's so great to hear about it. Because it's, you know, there's that feeling. And that's, that's the feeling of pandemic gives you right, you have questions like yourself, you're going to question your ability, your own your own, you know, mental state and all of that. And then here you are making sure like, know that we're doing something come to it with us. I mean, that's the whole point of helping us have gotten through where we're at, and certainly what we continue to have to, to go through after the fact.

Unknown Speaker 16:42
And a lot of the people that have come to pate have brought their kids. So it's a family event,

Unknown Speaker 16:47
right? And I'm glad you really brought that up, because that's that's just expanding into everything. But at first it wasn't on social media, right? I think you would mention that for six months, it was just you kind of taking pictures, you know, and thinking that it was going to be potentially localized. But then you said six months in you, you put it on Instagram, right? Yeah, what happened then?

Unknown Speaker 17:10
So I only made the Instagram account. Because I started, we started getting like screenshots from friends and family being like, Oh, look, my friend from this part of the city saw and they're wondering who's paying it? Like, can I connect to you guys? And like, people were just like asking questions to other people who couldn't answer. So I thought we need to take some authority over this, like, let's make this a thing. Like, let's create a platform where we can start posting these. So I was away at school at the time that had been October of 2020. And I just created the account, and I started posting in order everything we had done at that point. And we organically got quite a bit of followers pretty fast. Like probably within the first week, we got 200 and it just kind of expanded from there.

Unknown Speaker 17:55
Wow. Yeah. And again, I mean, if anyone knows anything about social media, that's a pretty sizable number organically. Right off the bat. Mindy, what do you think of all of this? I mean, when when you went online with this, were you excited that it was happening?

Unknown Speaker 18:06
Or I was Yeah. I was our most famous like, was from Reese Witherspoon.

Unknown Speaker 18:12
There you go. That's real.

Unknown Speaker 18:15
Yeah. We were in the middle of night screaming.

Unknown Speaker 18:18
Like we made it. This is what I mean. Have you had anybody traveled from somewhat of a distance to come to one of the doors? I know you're thinking well, I guess I'll post it another way. What's the furthest somebody's come to paint on the door.

Unknown Speaker 18:37
I think it's all been local to be quite honest. We've gotten letters. We got flowers from someone in the Central Valley. We got cookies from someone down in Paso Robles. We've gotten

Unknown Speaker 18:50
robos Yeah. My neck of the woods are closer to a lot

Unknown Speaker 18:54
of really nice comments and letters in the mail.

Unknown Speaker 18:59
Like handwritten letters, right. I mean, they see you taking the time to go out there and painted. How long does it take to paint a door, by the

Unknown Speaker 19:05
way? A couple hours.

Unknown Speaker 19:08
Yeah. And it's a nice, it's a nice thing to do as a family, right. And you know, a couple auricular off your phones doing something and feeling good about it. And it's very cool. I would assume it's therapeutic. Absolutely. Yeah, definitely. Okay, now, you showed me something a minute. Before we even got on here. There was a little book that somebody put together, maybe you can

Unknown Speaker 19:31
see this. So one of our neighbors made a book for us. This is her dog. And every week she took a picture of her dog in front of our set. Can you see that? In front of her? She made us a book from the whole year. That's so cool. A nice friend of ours.

Unknown Speaker 19:53
There you go. And that's another reason right? I mean, it's in the Think about it like a lot of us know our neighbors or we say hi or whatever. Maybe, but you're actually out there. Like doing the outreach, having people come over like you say, I mean, is that what you were hoping for? You know, when when it first began, did you kind of look around and be like, I wish I knew, you know, I've been here my whole life. I wish I knew people even a little bit better, or was that not even on your mind?

Unknown Speaker 20:20
I'm not sure that was on our mind. Yeah. Because self soothing.

Unknown Speaker 20:24
It really, it really just began with let's, let's do something for us. That feels right. And then all of a sudden, realizing that it's better, it's having a big effect than everybody else is doing. Alright, so here we are now. I mean, like you said, I mean, we were talking about 2020. And what it was like those first six months, but like, I think it's over 120 doors now that you've done about Yeah, okay. Wow. And how long does this go on? I mean, Audrey, you're obviously a very big part of this. What happens? Are you are you staying at home for a while? Are you moving back on? And what happens when you do?

Unknown Speaker 20:59
I'm not quite sure yet. I think as of right now, just because I graduated during a very transitional time, like in the world where a lot of people were maybe getting back on their feet as fast as they were or like everything was just kind of shifting back to like, pre pandemic. So, since I have a job like local, I'm, I want to stay local for now. But I don't know, like, personally for myself, but for the garage door. I think we're just gonna keep doing it as long as we can like, as long as we're both together. Certainly. Yeah, that's really

Unknown Speaker 21:33
nice. And where do you go from here though, with it? I mean, right. I mean, obviously, you have a certain sizable following now on Instagram, what are you hoping to do with it? We're hoping to achieve, I guess, what's the next step?

Unknown Speaker 21:47
Like, as you said, we've kind of started a movement. And we, and I think with a lot of movements, you may hit a point where it's like, okay, where do we go from here? We've talked about, just because we've been inspired by like the generosity of like other people, like people all the time offer, like, can we buy your pain? Can we do this? Can we do that? And we're like, we're good. Like, we entered by paying maybe like, twice a year, two or three times a year at most, so and they just want like, a way to help or like, support us. And we're thinking about starting a nonprofit, like an art based nonprofit, in some way.

Unknown Speaker 22:21
Yeah. I mean, let's, let's flesh that out for a second, what would we do? What's an art based nonprofit look like?

Unknown Speaker 22:29
Um, I've kind of put out the idea just because to kind of stay true to what we're doing. Like, we kind of do like a grant type ordeal. Like if people wanted to do street art or mural, we would like give them the grant for that and like, provide what they needed. So they would do something similar to us, but maybe in a bigger city on a wall or something more permanent? Certainly. And we would be the funding behind that, essentially.

Unknown Speaker 22:53
That's very cool. spreading joy that way, that's a really good idea. And is it just on Instagram, by the way? Are you doing any other social media?

Unknown Speaker 23:01
Um, we have a Twitter I haven't been posting on it. Like I have a couple handles for us personally, but Instagrams, our main one, just because that's what took off the fastest. And that's what needs the most management.

Unknown Speaker 23:14
Right? I get that. And it's obviously so visual when it's, you know, so focused on pictures. Yeah, on Twitter, you can add the image and all of that, but then everybody wants to talk about it, and then lead you in some other direction. But it seems to stay pretty focused when it's on Instagram. And that's really cool. Mindy, do you post on the Instagram as well?

Unknown Speaker 23:29
No, she's the social media person. She's the Maven got it? Yeah. She's, she's the social media director for grad store. WC? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 23:38
What do you hope from this? I mean, obviously, you know, Andrei had a really cogent idea of, you know, what to do on as a nonprofit. But what do you what are you hoping yourself to see? As it continues?

Unknown Speaker 23:52
I would just like to see more people in the community come over and paint. Honestly, I would we offer it to people all the time. And people are scared, because it's such a huge palette. But the beautiful thing about it is it's such a huge palette, it's hard to screw up. And we started this, we were not very artistic. And we would find things here and there that would inspire us maybe a quote or a drawing and kind of make it our own. Right. So I would love to have, I would love to line up people to paint for the next six months.

Unknown Speaker 24:22
How awesome would that be? Now I'm just doing the math. I mean, if you can have like, basically like 25 doors in a row, just like said, Here's your slot, and have somebody come in. And there's got to be some people close to you, right? Who are very artistic, right? Who have this ability to come and just put that one mural on the door that's just gonna Wow, everybody, right? Or has there been I'm wondering, I mean, I've the 120 Has there been like one or two where everybody's like, Yo, that that one, those in particular, were outstanding, and maybe those get the most likes or that that blew up virally.

Unknown Speaker 24:55
Every time I scroll through, I think Oh, I love that door that I see the next one. Oh, that one's my Favorite, you know, so they're all kind of like your little children. And at the time, socially, they may not be as important when we look back a year later, but at the time, whatever we did made sense to the moment, you know whether there were fires in California or we were talking about masks or the fact that you need to vote, you know, I'm just scrolling through them. They all they all touched our hearts that week. We did one which was an envelope when they were talking about defunding the post office. We did one When Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, we did we did the Lorax. We did. The Beatles, we liked the Beatles.

Unknown Speaker 25:43
Who doesn't like to be. But that I mean, that's really incredible. And yeah, you bring up a really good point, because it just, it's never ending. Yeah, you start with the pandemic. And but there's always something going on in the world, of course, that touches our hearts and our minds and what we have to think about, and that will necessarily, or necessitate bringing us together as a community and working through it together. Certainly. Have you done anything controversial? Do you wanted to do anything controversial?

Unknown Speaker 26:10
Yeah. We definitely have a political lean to one side, and sometimes those aren't as popular with our neighborhood is, as others. Probably our most controversial was the one about science recorded and Neil deGrasse Tyson about my find that one, and we put that one on next door, and people lost their minds.

Unknown Speaker 26:45
Well, let's talk about next door for a second because that it can be a little bit of a hot button app. Right? You know, you go on there. And somebody's always got something to say. It was a reason you put it on there. I mean, were you trying to kind of spark that a little bit? Well,

Unknown Speaker 27:00
well, once I started on Instagram, I kind of realized this may not be reaching everybody, not everyone's on social media or not. Everyone's on Instagram. So I started posting on next door as well. I'm like, this is a community thing. Let's get the community involved. Bring it directly to them. And of course, and yeah, we've had a lot of people through that. But also, that's when we start getting like our first big like criticism. Because for a while we weren't because we weren't on social media. We didn't know who was seeing it. We didn't know the opinions of others. And now we did and it was that was a little jarring to deal with. Definitely.

Unknown Speaker 27:35
Are you glad you did it?

Unknown Speaker 27:37
Yes, definitely ask.

Unknown Speaker 27:40
The great Bernie Brillstein wrote a book he said, You're no one in Hollywood until someone wants you're dead. You don't you haven't made it, you know, until that's what it is. I mean, and that's really kind of what it should be. Why not? Right? I mean, spark a little controversy and bring a talking point to it. And that's certainly gonna make a difference with everybody. So I'm excited to hear it. I hope some of the doors moving forward are a bit more controversial. Or maybe you can bring in some people to do the doors, who they themselves have a little controversy in their in their past, right. Maybe it's absolutely, yeah, that would be really cool. But it is amazing that you've done it for this long, obviously, that you want to continue doing it. Hope it works out. And yeah, believe it or not, we have hit our 30 minute mark. I told you if you're fast. Audrey and Mindy Ellison garage door WC at garage door WC on Instagram, you've got to see this. I did I scroll through I looked at like dozens and dozens of door and I was really drawn in. And it is beautiful. It's incredible what you've created. So I just want to thank both of you. I really I mean, I just so you know, it did touch my heart, especially that very first one. And I'm like, I'm drawn in. And I just think it's really wonderful that you've kept up with this this long. I think you know, just just to again, put that in perspective. It's, it's one thing to do something for six, six weeks, you know, or even six months, but you've kept up with it so long, and you're talking about blowing it into something bigger. So really, thank you. I guess I just want to say that it was good in the world. And it's nice to know that there is yeah, thank you very much. Appreciate you joining us today. And we you could put this video on on the Instagram Stories for it. So we'll send that to you. Well, awesome. Well, thank you.

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